La Palissade
Lyon City Design 2015 - 1st prize
Client : "Foncière des régions"
Designed in collaboration with Ariane Epstein
AREP 2015.
Objective: spark interest and involve locals in the everyday life around the work sites and the neighborhood. Connect the work site to everyday life. Starting with a characteristic element of urban works such as fences, the project seeks to integrate the work site into the pedestrians paths in a fun and useful way. A will to recreate a link between the city and the citizens for the duration of the work.
For this, the Palisade project proposes to divert some simple markup object into neighborhood life tool, creating continuity between the site, the city, transportation and individuals. The project plays on volumes as augmented reality and brings a new, more playful dimension to a classic construction tool, a new use, positive and interactive with pedestrians. Indeed, the fence is rather seen as a bulky element for passing, forcing bystanders to divert their route.
In the Palisade project, the fence no longer is a barrier and an boundary behind which a noisy and bulky construction site is hiding. It becomes not only an information carrier and educational exhibition about the work in progress and the coming building, but also an element of comfort, mobility support and life. It participates in the entertainment of the area and connects the city to life. As if the street was reclaiming space that has been marked away from it.
Exhibition material, gazebo or simple window to uncover the mysteries of the construction site and facilitate urban routes along the fence; the fence also turns into street furniture and signage media to support mobility and create a neighborhood identity. It helps in the flow management and supports intermodal extension allowing several modes to connect with a range of scalable street furniture: bus shelter, bicycle parking, park bench, pedestrian shelter…