La dalle d'Argenteuil
Guillaume Bardet’s "multi-focus" workshop
GIP Argenteuil & Mairie d'Argenteuil (95).
In collaboration with Claire Tréfoux.
Part of a published paper and an Argenteuil Museum exhibition
Ensci 2008.
The slab ("La Dalle") is a soil and terrain liberation. Gathering height, Man eaned supplemental light but lost his garden. This modern thought sums up the problem of gardens, on the Val d'Argent terraces, where any kind of green life is nonexistent, except for a few lonely trees.
How to overcome the technical problems inherent to construction work and picture a slab landscaping? What landscape for such an urban object as "La Dalle d'Argenteuil"?
We offer a batch of objects with four scales: a monumental greenhouse set on the central square of the slab. A peaks garden or set of gateways that wind through the treetops planted on the edge of the slab; finally public greenhouses that allow users to maintain private planters.